
I’ll Forget You Julianna May I'll forget you in a day or two; the way your hand cupped my neck’s
Manufactured Seasons Prithiva Sharma I’ve slept in your heat, You’ve woken up in my ice, And our sleep cycles have
Fire Kevin A. Risner at the age of four / my house was a lightning rod / the roof bulged
Taylor Stein Max Eichelberger I write this story for my friend Taylor Stein. I don’t need to tell you how
Our Beautiful Bodies Christopher Moore The ground sears the sole of my foot as I step out of the hotel
Poetry Contributor, heat
Bliss Britton Minor Britton Minor
The Nature of Knowledge Itself Kathleen McKitty Harris My husband and I sat across from each other in a Catskills
Naked (for the women of Salem) Jennifer Gauthier Naked lately— flayed over fire innards exposed indisposed to tell my secrets
August, 1980 Zoe Philippou The only Summer my red-haired mother was tan, not freckled, not pained and peeling, but goddess