
renaissance (Issue No. II)
Magnolia Leaves Jane M. Fleming I have a superpower. I throw acrylic paint onto plywood board with my fingers and
Boxes Liat Miriam This morning my cat, anxious from the move to our new apartment, would not stop crying. I
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, renaissance
Fiction Contributor, renaissance
Portents Kari A. Flickinger Go back who knew gulls at dawn bear warning? The bell in the campanile tolls. Quiets
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, renaissance
A Hat Menagerie Preston Smith Kaleidoscopic fabric climbs my walls like ivy, poisonous only in the false hope it invokes.
Mutual Defenders Adrian Slonaker It doesn’t matter that you don’t understand my language since my speech is a whirlpool of
Fiction Contributor, renaissance